It happens to everyone that a choice once made begins to seem like a mistake. It’s good if the realization came during your student years.
Therefore, parents of students who suddenly decide that their chosen specialty does not interest them need not panic too much.
The main thing is to figure out how to act so that your child doesn’t make other mistakes.
Firstly, you need to convey to the child the information that many people work in a different specialty than the one they received at university.
Explain with a personal example. It will work if the future engineer suddenly does not decide to become a doctor.
Secondly, the student must decide for himself in which direction he has decided to develop and what the pros and cons might be.
It is important in case history repeats itself in the future.
Thirdly, a lot depends on the situation and if there is a year or even two left before graduation, then it is better to finish your studies and have a diploma, even if not in your favorite specialty, than to start studying again.
Before becoming completely disappointed with the choice, the student himself should consider the possibility of mastering a related specialty in order to minimize lost time.
To do this, you need to understand what he can do best, whether this activity coincides with his interests, and what topics he most often discusses with his peers.
In addition, at this stage it will be important to understand the reason for the wrong choice, and also decide for yourself what you really want in life.
Earlier we talked about how much time a child can spend in front of a gadget or TV screen .