How to Stop a Child from Biting Their Nails: Time-Tested Tips

26.06.2024 19:34

Putting mustard on a child's fingers if he bites his nails is not a solution. The method, although ancient, does not stand up to criticism.

You can always find a less radical way, which is also more effective.

Let's find out how you can wean a child from biting his nails without tears, threats, mustard and other spices.

Before taking preventive measures, it is important to understand the cause of this phenomenon.

Advice one

If a girl bites her nails, then give her a gorgeous manicure.

Photo: Pixabay

It is important to explain the importance of beautiful nails in a woman’s life.

Tip two

Besides psychological and emotional problems, children bite their nails simply because they are bored or have nothing to do.

Instead of this useless activity, you can give your child an anti-stress toy, a puzzle, or something else.

Tip three

Tell your child that germs and worms live under their nails.

It would not be superfluous to show colorful illustrations of parasites, and also to tell that for treatment you will have to take blood for tests, and also take bitter pills.

And the last thing that helps the most is attention.

It is believed that the main reason for the habit is a lack of parental attention.

If this doesn’t help, you’ll have to schedule a visit to a specialist who will certainly suggest a way out of the situation.

Earlier we talked about how to make a child more self-confident .

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Advice one
  2. Tip two
  3. Tip three