Why Parents Shouldn't Have Favorites in the Family: Experts Explain

30.05.2024 19:21

Often in families with several children, a situation may arise where favorites appear.

Moreover, this may be completely unconscious.

For example, you simply help one child with his homework because he is lagging behind the others. Or, for example, you simply spend more time with one of the children because he needs your support and attention.

But children do not understand this. It seems to them that some parents single out some, while others are simply rejected and ignored, experts say.

Why there shouldn't be favorites in the family

A child who feels rejected will accumulate negative energy, resentment and anger. Such children often envy their brothers and sisters who "bathe" in parental care.

Photo: Pixabay

In the future, such children will be ready to do anything to attract attention. As a rule, not the most pleasant methods are used.

But the future of "favorites" may not be so cloudless either. Such a child can often grow up to be an egoist who expects everyone to love him more than anything else in the world.

Therefore, try to distribute love, attention and care evenly.

Previously, we talked about why it is important for parents to learn how to cope with stress .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor