What are 3 signs that a person is suppressing their childhood memories: the opinion of psychologists

26.07.2023 20:30

Even people who grew up in happy families can have unpleasant memories associated with childhood.

Sometimes we don't know what facts or events might hit us so hard that we actually start to repress those memories.

However, this makes our lives very difficult.

What are 3 signs that a person is repressing unpleasant childhood memories?

Tendency to illness and generally poor health

It may surprise many people that repressed childhood memories can have such a powerful and destructive effect on our lives, but it's worth listening to.

Unpleasant memories that we try not to think about still affect us, forcing us to live in constant nervous tension.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Because of this, physical health deteriorates and we begin to get sick constantly. Therefore, you should not hide from negative moments: experts suggest working through your memories once and for all to significantly improve the quality of life.

Fear of being abandoned

Many beautiful and worthy people date partners who are clearly below them in status. Many people are surprised and misunderstood by such relationships.

However, the answer to this question is simple.

If a child is often left alone or left in the city without parents as a punishment for inappropriate behavior, he will develop a serious fear of being abandoned.

Therefore, a person will choose unsuitable partners based on one criterion: as long as he doesn’t leave.

Any phobias

If you have any inexplicable fear, the reasons for the formation of which you do not know, then the reason will be hidden in childhood memories.

If you want to overcome a phobia, you just need to open up to the past and free yourself from your fears.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are 3 signs that a person is repressing unpleasant childhood memories?
  2. Tendency to illness and generally poor health
  3. Fear of being abandoned
  4. However, the answer to this question is simple.
  5. Any phobias