Some tea lovers are afraid to add honey to their hot drink.
After all, there is an opinion according to which the sweet additive turns into “poison” under the influence of high temperatures.
Let us reassure those who love tea with honey: this combination is unlikely to harm you.
However, the hot liquid still has a certain effect on the sweet, thick product.
Contrary to popular belief, high-quality honey does not become “carcinogenic” when exposed to high temperatures.
Once added to hot tea, the syrupy liquid is unlikely to contain any harmful compounds.
But there is another problem: when heated, honey can lose some of its beneficial properties.
True, the loss will not be very serious. Yes, the antioxidants contained in the product do not "react" well to heating. But most of the other useful components will be preserved.
If you are completely satisfied with this situation, then feel free to add honey to hot tea.
If you still want the sweet product to remain as healthy as possible, then you should wait until the above-mentioned drink becomes slightly warm.
Important point: use only natural and high-quality honey.
The counterfeit may be harmful. And heating it may only make things worse.