Dentist tells what kind of toothache you shouldn't tolerate

22.01.2024 09:33

Visiting a dentist is quite a stressful event for some people. This is why patients endure for a long time and only seek help in extreme cases.

But this is a big mistake.

It is important not only to carefully monitor oral hygiene, but also to go to appointments on time to prevent more serious problems.

Dentist-therapist Natalia Kadkalova warned about the dangers of ignoring toothache in an interview for Sputnik radio.

As the doctor explained, you shouldn’t ignore the problem when there is sharp pain due to hot or cold food.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You should not delay taking the medication if you are bothered by night pain.

If you do not start treatment in time, the infection will develop further, go beyond the tooth, and a gumboil will begin.

In a conversation with journalists, the doctor also addressed patients and advised them not to delay a visit if they experience discomfort when biting food.

Previously, doctors explained why teeth fall out.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

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