What types of vegetable oil should be included in the diet: recommendations from experts

13.12.2023 13:30

Basically, the average consumer is only familiar with two products: the “bad and harmful”, but affordable sunflower seed oil and the “definitely healthy” and expensive olive oil.

Vegetable oil is not always harmful and not every olive product is beneficial for the body.

However, in any case, the range of products in this category is much wider. In order to maintain the body in excellent condition, experts recommend introducing various types of vegetable oil into the diet.

Which of these are the most useful?


This is an ideal option for seasoning ready meals, which will help slow down aging and improve heart function. Flaxseed oil helps in weight loss processes.

The product is also able to strengthen the immune system.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Sesame oil

This product also cannot be heat treated. However, it has a pleasant taste, which will only improve your salads and porridges.

Sesame oil is recommended as a preventative measure against heart, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Pumpkin seed oil

Not everyone has heard of this product, but it is one of the most valuable for health. Pumpkin oil improves skin condition and prevents the development of cancer.

The product also has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.

Earlier we talked about tricks that will help improve your well-being .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. Which of these are the most useful?
  2. Flaxseed
  3. Sesame oil
  4. Pumpkin seed oil

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