To reduce the likelihood of developing a cold, you need to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
It's also worth adding some spices to the menu.
With their help, you can not only make food more delicious and high-quality, but also protect yourself from seasonal diseases.
The unique plant has excellent antibacterial properties: pepper quickly and effectively eliminates germs. Any variety of pepper is beneficial, so you can start culinary experiments.
For example, pink and lemon peppers are very interesting options.
Chili has the strongest antibacterial properties, so it is also worth adding hot powder to food. Chili has an excellent warming effect, prevents colds and protects against cancer.
Chili lovers can also boast of good health and an impressive life expectancy.
Many people believe so much in the ability of bay leaves to fight harmful microorganisms that they even use them to fumigate rooms.
Experts say that adding bay leaves to your food will make you a more resilient person who will be protected from colds.