How to Prevent Depression in Autumn: Doctors' Recommendations

18.09.2023 21:30

If you want to enjoy wonderful landscapes and admire the beauty of nature in autumn, then you need to prevent the onset of depression in a timely manner.

This is a fairly common problem that anyone can face.

What secrets will help you prevent the development of a depressive state

Walking in the forest

It is difficult to stay in a bad mood if you see with your own eyes the beautiful fall of leaves and feel the specific aroma of autumn.

The forest is especially beautiful at this time of year.

If you don't have the opportunity to go out into nature, experts recommend focusing on park areas.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Get rid of toxic environment

If among your friends there are people whose communication makes you feel sad, then it is worth putting the relationship on pause for a while. Such people are used to complaining about their bad state, so they do not understand that they only make things worse for others.

You should also communicate less with those who cause you to be in a bad mood.

Buckwheat tea

This drink goes very well with autumn, as it warms and "levels out" the emotional state. With each sip of the drink, problems and worries will gradually recede.

Experts note that in terms of chemical composition, this drink can be compared with vitamin and mineral complexes.

Hot bath

It is difficult to remain depressed after water procedures with foam and essential oils. Such a pleasant ritual can be performed at least every day.

This restores the nervous system and allows you to sleep better.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What secrets will help you prevent the development of a depressive state
  2. Walking in the forest
  3. Get rid of toxic environment
  4. Buckwheat tea
  5. Hot bath

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