What and why coffee is prohibited to combine with: a nutritionist's comment

04.09.2023 14:10

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks. Some people can’t imagine a day without a cup of this aromatic and invigorating drink.

But not everyone knows that coffee cannot be combined with certain foods.

Mariyat Mukhina spoke about this in more detail in a conversation with representatives of the publication “ Moscow 24 ”.

As the specialist noted, it is forbidden to combine coffee and alcohol.

This "cocktail" does not allow you to feel intoxicated, and as a result, a person drinks more alcohol. As a result, there is a sharp intoxication, and it is also more difficult to endure alcohol intoxication.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is also better to avoid spices. The taste of the drink is lost.

The receptors will demand a repetition of such a product, but in this case without additives.

In addition, Mukhina said that you can't drink coffee with products that contain iron. There will be no benefit in this case.

It is much better to drink coffee separately an hour after eating.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor