When hair loss is normal and when you should be wary

01.05.2023 19:16

Hair loss often occurs due to stress or other disorders in the human body. In any case, it is important to know how to determine the rate of hair loss to find out if your health is normal.

ADVICE.NEWS explained how to assess your health based on such an indicator as hair.

When Hair Loss Is Normal

A person loses about 50-100 hairs per day.

The amount of hair loss depends on the length and thickness of the strands.

It is important to understand that if you lose about 45 hairs a day, and after a couple of weeks the volume has increased to 90, this is twice as much and may indicate some problems, despite the fact that this number is within the conditional norm.

Photo: Pixabay

How to track hair loss

Usually, severe hair loss is noticeable when combing and washing your hair.


However, if you brush your hair infrequently, it can build up, so you'll end up with significantly more hairs on your brush than you would if you brushed it every day.

So, to track how fast your hair is falling out, you need to track how much hair is usually left on your brush while maintaining the same brushing frequency.

If your hair loss increases, you will notice it in your hairbrush.


You can also track hair loss while you shower. Typically, when you wash your hair, most of the hair that fell out before you shower will fall out.

Pay attention to how much hair you typically lose with regular hair care.

If you notice unusual hair loss, it may be a sign of decreased immunity, high stress levels, or other problems.

Therefore, in this case, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. When Hair Loss Is Normal
  2. How to track hair loss
  3. Comb
  4. Shower