What 10 rules of beauty and youth not everyone knows: experts reveal secrets

02.03.2023 12:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 10:18

If a person looks good, it means that his body is functioning perfectly.

If, on the contrary, premature aging, poor skin and hair condition are observed, then this primarily indicates health problems and an unhealthy lifestyle.

What are the 10 rules of beauty and youth that you should know?

Citrus fruits should be consumed every day

If you are looking for an affordable and inexpensive source of antioxidants, citrus fruits are the best option. In order to improve your appearance and maintain youth, you should eat a serving of fruit every day.

It is also worth remembering that citrus fruits can be used in home care, experts note.

You can't do without physical exercise

Many people do not find the strength to visit the gym on a regular basis, but this does not mean that you can give up physical activity.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can also practice at home, devoting 15 to 60 minutes to this, depending on your desire.

The need for walks

In order for the skin to look young and well-groomed, it needs to be in contact with oxygen. To do this, you need to get out to places with clean air every day.

The duration of such walks should be at least an hour.

The Importance of Water

If you don't drink enough water, you can expect early wrinkles, loss of skin tone, and acne.

Therefore, it is extremely important to drink two liters of good quality water every day.

Natural cosmetics

The more chemicals a skin care product contains, the worse it is for your skin. In the short term, such cosmetics seem effective, but over the years, your skin will look noticeably worse.

Therefore, try to choose the most natural cosmetics. But masks and scrubs can be made independently from any quality products.

Eat nuts

Not everyone knows that nuts are one of the main products for beauty and youth. If you eat a handful of the product every day, then after a couple of weeks you can notice visible improvements.

Any nuts are beneficial - from budget peanuts to elite macadamia.

Drink quality tea

It is worth paying attention to elite varieties of tea, since they do not contain impurities, chemical additives and low-quality raw materials.

This tea will be a real discovery for those who care about their health and want to stay young for many years. This drink is a source of a huge amount of antioxidants.

Forget about alcohol and tobacco

These bad habits are the main enemies of a well-groomed appearance. In addition, they are of no use. On the contrary, even a small portion of alcohol can cause harm to the body.

Due to alcohol consumption, the skin quickly loses tone, which causes the oval of the face to "float". Tobacco causes rapid aging, and the skin loses its natural color.

Quality oils

In order to stay young and beautiful, your diet and skin care routine should include high-quality vegetable oils. Pay attention to the affordable flaxseed oil - with regular use, your skin noticeably improves. Olive oil is the main "enemy" of premature aging.

If we are talking about home care, then it is worth paying attention to jojoba and almond oils, which are considered the main allies in matters of youth and beauty.

Spiritual harmony

People who are constantly stressed and anxious look older than their age. If you want to improve your appearance, you should take care of your mental health.

You can read specialized literature, relieve stress on your own, or work with a psychologist.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the 10 rules of beauty and youth that you should know?
  2. Citrus fruits should be consumed every day
  3. You can't do without physical exercise
  4. The need for walks
  5. The Importance of Water
  6. Natural cosmetics
  7. Eat nuts
  8. Drink quality tea
  9. Forget about alcohol and tobacco
  10. Quality oils
  11. Spiritual harmony