Beauty Myths That Make Us Harm Ourselves

18.01.2023 15:00

It is nice to see that in 2023, female representatives have become well versed in cosmetics and cosmetology and can maintain a conversation at an almost professional level.

Anna Slavinskaya , an expert of the online publication "Belnovosti" in the field of beauty and cosmetology, spoke about beauty myths.

What is surprising is that despite universal education, belief in myths is only growing stronger, and not only among ordinary people: even those who are considered masters of their craft say things that have nothing to do with the truth.

For example, they talk about hair treatment (canvas). This article contains the most popular myths, do not let them fool you.

1. Hair can be cured. No, no and no again. There are no nerve endings in hair, it does not receive nutrition, it is already (sorry) dead, what can it be built from? And all those expensive products that are sold in salons simply smooth out the scales, due to which the hair looks smooth and shiny.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

2. Shampoos and shower gels enriched with vitamins. Shampoos and gels are kept on the skin for a minimum time, during which nothing will work at all, these products should be used exclusively for cleansing.

3. Cosmetics against wrinkles. Our skin consists of 3 main layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypodermis). Almost all cosmetics affect only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, in which the most important process is exfoliation and renewal of the skin.

4. Anti-cellulite cosmetics are also in the same category, they are utterly stupid. How can these products work against flabbiness when their maximum function is to moisturize the skin?

5. Expensive procedures that are offered to you for free. This is fantastic. No one will work at their own expense. And this is what scammers do, in 99% of cases they will try to trick you out of a large sum of money.

6. Grandma's recipes. Don't put products on your face! They cause allergies. Those who say that they used to do just fine without cosmetic chemicals forget that women at 30 used to look 50.

7. Biorevitalization or mesotherapy, which lasts a year. Skin cells are renewed every 21 days, so everything will soon return to normal. Beauty injections are such a thing that once you start, you need to stick to this path.

8. Face fitness. Pump up your facial muscles? What about facial expressions? What about photoaging? Don't waste your time, this is a money grab from bad trainers.

Nowadays, everything eco-friendly has become fashionable, and this is a wonderful trend.
There is only one thing that has not been taken into account: miracle trainers have proliferated with their own natural rejuvenation programs.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor