Unexpected Causes of Skin Itching Named

11.01.2023 09:02

This unpleasant symptom causes great discomfort. If it is long-lasting, people begin to injure areas of the skin by scratching them too hard, and as a result, they get an infection. In addition, the skin begins to become inflamed.

However, sometimes the nature of the problem is not obvious, and sometimes itching appears not as a consequence of some illness, but as an independent disease.

Getting rid of itching is not always easy.

Therapist Alexey Khukhrev spoke about this in more detail.

He listed unexpected causes of the problem.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This symptom occurs in cases of kidney failure and liver disease.

In particular, as the doctor noted during a conversation with the press, itching can occur with chronic hepatitis.

If we are talking about the last stages of renal failure, then uremic itching is observed, which seriously affects the person’s condition.

“Older people may experience an inexplicable, but very debilitating and often sleep-depriving senile (old age) itch, which, as a rule, has no cause,” Khukhrev was quoted as saying by the publication “ Moscow 24 ”.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor