Not everyone knows the reasons why adult cats may hit themselves in the face with their hind paws.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior facts about cats Pets 7 April 2024Not everyone knows why some cats are very affectionate.
Marina Michalap affectionate cat cat cat behavior Pets 13 March 2024Not everyone knows why cats act up at night and how to correct unwanted behavior.
Marina Michalap the cat is naughty at night cat behavior facts about cats Pets 6 March 2024Not everyone knows whether cats can be given milk and milk-based products.
Marina Michalap can a cat have milk cat diet cat health Pets 24 February 2024Not everyone knows why a cat may ignore its owner.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cat ignores owner cat health Pets 21 February 2024Not everyone knows what smells cats don't like.
Marina Michalap facts about cats cat behavior smells Pets 16 February 2024Not everyone knows how to provide a cat with comfortable living conditions.
Marina Michalap facts about cats cat in the apartment cats Pets 14 February 2024Not everyone knows the most common reasons why cats experience stress.
Marina Michalap stress in a cat cat health facts about cats stress Pets 13 February 2024Not everyone knows why domestic cats may bite.
Marina Michalap facts about cats cat behavior the cat bites Pets 8 February 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why a cat might ignore the litter box.
Marina Michalap cat ignores litter box cat behavior facts about cats Pets 7 February 2024Here are some tips to help you make friends between an adult cat and a puppy, a dog and a kitten, or two adults.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment dog in the apartment useful tips and life hacks pets Pets 15 January 2024Not everyone knows why it is worth getting two cats instead of one.
Marina Michalap cats facts about cats cat behavior Pets 12 January 2024