Folk remedies do not always help get rid of the ubiquitous midges that love to settle in flower pots.
Dmitry Bobrovich orchid board means watering Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2023Experienced gardeners do not like to use chemicals to combat pests in the garden and vegetable garden.
Dmitry Bobrovich garden beds pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2023Living next to spiders in the modern world cannot be called the norm.
Dmitry Bobrovich spider house cleaning flowers Useful tips 14 January 2023As you know, one of the worst enemies of houseplants are insect pests.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants garlic pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 January 2023Many people are used to the fact that these insects appear if you forget to take out the trash and clean up. But even in a house where everything is always in perfect order, midges can also appear.
Olga Kotova flowers apartment plants Useful tips 13 January 2023As is known, the most vulnerable part of cabbage seedlings is the roots. In order to properly “grasp” the ground, they need time.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage seedling pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2023It is believed that a plant such as ageratum can neutralize the parasite.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers a plant pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2023You can tell that your lovingly grown orchids, violets and ficuses have been attacked by mealybugs by the “cotton wool” that accumulates in the axils of the plant leaves.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2023It is no secret that the best solution is to prevent pests from entering the garden rather than deal with the consequences of the damage they cause.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage vegetables garden pests prevention Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2023Aphids have earned the title of one of the most dangerous enemies of gardeners and vegetable growers.
Elena Shimanovskaya roses flowers pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 January 2023Aphids can destroy crops and deprive the harvest if measures to combat this pest are not taken in time.
Olga Kotova trees pests now Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2023This parasite is difficult to fight. The wireworm causes the most damage to potato crops.
Olga Kotova garden pests country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 January 2023Plaques on the underside of orchid or ficus leaves are a sign that the plants have been attacked by scale insects.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2023As gardeners who have been growing cabbage for several years may have noticed, white cabbage seedlings that have just “moved” to the garden bed wither in 100% of cases.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage vegetables seedling pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2023How to protect raspberries during budding and flowering.
Igor Zur raspberry care pests harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2023Any summer resident knows that neglecting measures to protect your plot from insect pests is tantamount to death for the future harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 January 2023Most gardeners and vegetable growers treat celandine as a weed.
Elena Shimanovskaya weeds grass benefit pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 January 2023Despite their tiny size, aphids are capable of causing colossal damage to cultivated plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya pests struggle means Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 January 2023The question of “how to fight the Colorado potato beetle” arises for everyone involved in agriculture every year.
Elena Gutyro potato potatoes pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 January 2023Among the many pests that operate in the garden and vegetable garden, the following stand out in particular: leaf rollers, geometer moths and cutworm moths.
Elena Shimanovskaya now garden pests struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2023