Very often, after such a seemingly useful procedure as replanting, indoor plants change completely - they stop blooming, their leaves become smaller, and their stems begin to rot.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers plants care Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 March 2023One single mistake can make all your work useless.
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Igor Zur eggplant seedling board care Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 March 2023The money tree, like other succulents, is famous for its unpretentiousness, so it can often be found on the windowsill of an amateur gardener.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers plants care Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 March 2023These interior items in the apartment's decor have long seemed ridiculous.
Igor Zur apartment furniture board hostess Design and interior 8 March 2023Some tips on washing down and cotton blankets, as well as removing stains.
Igor Zur washing tricks hostess chemistry Useful tips 8 March 20233 non-obvious mistakes when growing seedlings when everything else is done correctly.
Igor Zur seedling lighting air board Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 March 2023Slippery tiles laid on the floor in the bathroom or kitchen do not allow you to feel safe in your own apartment.
Elena Shimanovskaya tile repair kitchen bathroom Designer's tips Design and interior 4 March 2023Summer residents do not hide their joy when they see large raspberries, but jubilation gives way to disappointment when it is time to taste the harvest.
Dmitry Bobrovich raspberry harvest berries now Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 March 2023It is quite difficult to get spaghetti out of a package that has been opened crosswise. And storing the package without the top part also causes difficulties.
Kurchev Anton food products pasta package storage Useful tips 28 February 2023Sometimes, owners of country plots, without even knowing it, reduce the yield of garden crops with their own hands.
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Elena Shimanovskaya oil methods opening cork life hacks Cooking 24 February 2023Some pest control methods actually result in more insects.
Dmitry Bobrovich pests now methods Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2023There are pest control measures that experienced gardeners advise never to use.
Dmitry Bobrovich strawberries pests board Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 February 2023Some housewives place the eggs with the pointed end down, others - up, and still others - just "anyhow". Who is right?
Kurchev Anton food products eggs storage refrigerator Useful tips 21 February 20233 things in the bathroom that are stored incorrectly.
Igor Zur bathroom cleaning storage things Useful tips 21 February 2023Under no circumstances should cold milk be added to mashed potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potato cooking milk temperature Cooking 20 February 2023Not all tricks from the Internet work effectively and in the way that housewives would like.
Dmitry Bobrovich washing things washing machine Useful tips 14 February 2023Dough made with dry yeast can still be saved if you understand where the mistake was made in the recipe.
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