Scientists have found that aggressive cats and dogs most often live with people who do not feel any attachment to anyone.
Igor Zur dogs scientists facts about dogs facts about cats Pets 6 December 2023Four reasons why a cat is drawn to its owner's bed like a magnet.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Cat Habits cat behavior board Pets 6 December 2023Australian scientists have concluded that cats can cause schizophrenia in young people.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment research schizophrenia facts about cats Pets 6 December 2023Hyperactive behavior is typical not only for people, but also for pets.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets pets and animals Pets 6 December 2023Why pets shouldn't sleep near heating appliances - nothing but problems.
Igor Zur dogs facts about cats facts about dogs heating Pets 5 December 2023A laser pointer can frustrate a cat - here are some other games considered harmful.
Igor Zur games for cat cat in the apartment mistakes board Pets 5 December 2023Cats are known to be self-sufficient in grooming themselves. These pets know how to keep themselves in shape by brushing and combing their fur daily.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets and animals Pets 5 December 2023Popular superstitions about cats that our ancestors believed in.
Igor Zur folk signs cat in the apartment cat fur superstition Pets 5 December 2023Cats understand each other without words - they are helped by smell and body language.
Igor Zur facts about cats cat behavior pets experts Pets 4 December 2023If the animal is in good health, it will not show aggression towards its owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats aggression cat behavior pets and animals Pets 3 December 2023Not all cat owners – even those who are crazy about these animals – like it when their furry pet climbs on the table.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets and animals pets Pets 2 December 2023Let's be honest - if you have a cat, you probably sometimes (if not always) have to wake up at night because of his playing or loud meowing.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets pets and animals the cat does not sleep at night Pets 2 December 2023It is important for a cat to know how its owner treats it. If the pet does not see that it is loved, it will clearly become unhappy.
Kurchev Anton facts about cats pets methods Pets 2 December 2023Cats may stop going to the toilet due to illness or other reasons, but certainly not out of spite.
Igor Zur cat litter box cat in the apartment cat behavior board Pets 1 December 2023When choosing food for a kitten, it is important to understand that the animal’s normal digestive system has not yet been formed.
Dmitry Liskovich fodder animals choice of food cat food Pets 1 December 2023A healthy and balanced diet is the key to your pet's health and longevity. Therefore, you should not allow your cat to eat food from the table. Some products can seriously harm the animal.
Olga Kotova cat cat food products Pets 1 December 2023Even if you are crazy about your cat and regularly pamper it, sometimes your pet's behavior can be irritating.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats habits pets and animals cat food Pets 1 December 2023Abyssinian, Bengal and British cats often hear such epithets as “evil” and “aggressive” addressed to them.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats breed nature cat breeds domestic cat breeds Pets 1 December 2023Not everyone knows why a cat might roll in the dust.
Marina Michalap cat behavior Cat Habits facts about cats science Pets 30 November 2023If a kitten is taken away from its mother too early, it may not receive proper upbringing – its claws and teeth can cause real harm to its owner.
Dmitry Liskovich cat board pets and animals annoying habits Pets 30 November 2023