Once a week, many experienced housewives perform one unusual and, at first glance, strange and meaningless action in the bathroom.
They put plastic bags on the faucet and shower head.
But the meaning of the procedure will become clear if you find out the contents of the bag.
Vinegar diluted with water is poured into the bags.
Thus, the procedure is performed in order to restore cleanliness to the plumbing.
First, take a deep container and pour nine percent vinegar and plain water into it.
The ratio of ingredients should be equal in volume.
Mix the resulting liquid thoroughly and pour it into two plastic bags.
Place the filled bags on the faucet and shower head in your bathroom. Secure the bags with a rubber band, string or tape.
It is advisable to start working late in the evening: let the bags remain on the plumbing fixtures all night.
In the morning, remove the bags, and then “go over” the faucet and shower head with a clean toothbrush, and then with a clean piece of cloth.
The result of the procedure will be the complete removal of limescale: not a single spot will remain on the plumbing, the surface will shine.