The challenges and problems we regularly face in our daily lives make us think that they can only be solved by complex and expensive methods.
In reality, simple household tricks can be much more effective.
We will tell you about one of them in this article – we will talk about how to make the faucet shine with cleanliness.
To do this, you will need a paper towel, which should be soaked in vinegar and wrapped around the plumbing.
Leave the tap like this for a while (the exact number of minutes depends on the degree of contamination), then carefully remove the paper.
As a result, all traces of scale and dirt will disappear from the tap, and it will become perfectly clean.
An equally effective way to clean chrome parts of plumbing is to use crushed laundry soap dissolved in warm water.
The action time of this mixture is one hour. After this time, remove the gruel with a sponge and rinse the device with water.
To enhance the effect, you can use soda, the main thing is not to rub it into the tap, so that micro-scratches do not form on it.