Experienced housewives have long since figured out how to restore cleanliness to even the dirtiest floor.
To do this, add a little dishwashing gel to the liquid prepared for washing the floor covering.
In addition, it is advisable to use such an unexpected additive as... ground cinnamon.
It turns out that this spice can act as a luxurious cleaning agent.
Thanks to cinnamon, your floor covering will become perfectly clean.
Are you going to start washing the floor? Then prepare a special liquid.
Take a bucket, fill it with plain water, add dishwashing liquid (2 tbsp) and ground cinnamon (2 tsp)
Mix the contents of the container thoroughly, then start washing the floor.
Dishwashing gel will remove almost all stains.
Stains that the above mentioned remedy cannot remove will be removed thanks to cinnamon.
In addition, the spice will disinfect the surface and make the floor covering truly shiny.
Using cinnamon when washing the floor will provide another positive result: the room will smell very nice.