Orange peels are thrown into the trash, but in vain. They can replace household chemicals and make cleaning much easier.
The secret is citric acid and essential oils that dissolve grease, disinfect and leave a fresh scent. Here's how to use it.
Make a universal cleaner. Pour a glass of table vinegar over the peels of two oranges, close the jar and leave in the dark for two weeks.
Strain the liquid, dilute with water 1:1 - and the product is ready. It removes scale from taps, soap stains in the shower and grease on kitchen surfaces.
Just spray, scrub and rinse. Orange vinegar is safe for children and is environmentally friendly.
But if you don't have time to wait two weeks, there is a quick way. Sprinkle the inside of the crust with salt and rub it on a cutting board or sink. The acid will eat away the stains, and the salt will act as an abrasive. Even tea or coffee stains on mugs will disappear.
The peels are also great for cleaning microwaves. Put them in a cup of water, set it for 5 minutes at maximum power - the steam will soften the dirt, and you will wipe the equipment in seconds.
Orange peels are the enemy of unpleasant odors. Put them in the refrigerator, trash can or shoes - they will absorb the "aromas" and replace the air freshener.
And if you dry the peels and burn them in a saucer, they will work as a natural aromatic stick.
But that's not all. Grind the peels in a blender, mix with soda and water to form a paste - you'll get a scrub for the bath or stove. It will clean away dirt and give a citrus scent.
You can also wash floors with orange infusion – it repels ants and cockroaches.
Cleaning product manufacturers hide this life hack because the crusts are free. Don't throw them away — turn them into a powerful weapon against dirt. Your home will sparkle and your trash can will be lighter.