Thanks to the kitchen aerator, the water flow from the mixer is divided into several streams, which helps saturate the water with air and clean it from impurities.
Advantages of the aerator:
Despite the fact that the price of such an “invention” is not high, we would all like its high-quality work to continue as long as possible.
Timely cleaning of the aerator installed on the mixer will help you with this.
For this you will need a clean cotton pad and table vinegar. Soak the cotton pad in the acid and apply it to the aerator, securing it with a rubber band for convenience.
The bulk of the work is done - now all that remains is to wait for 30 minutes.
This time will be enough for the vinegar to dissolve and attack the limescale deposits – as is known, it is the accumulation of limescale that impedes the normal supply of water.
As a result of using acetic acid, water will flow freely again, the aerator will resume its effective operation, and the mixer will look like new.