Even old knives will become sharper than a razor. How cunning housewives sharpen without special tools

30.01.2025 06:50

It is believed that sharpening knives, including kitchen knives, is an exclusively male occupation.

But no. Today there are options that allow ladies to resolve the issue without much effort and very quickly.

And, by the way, clever housewives who have mastered this method do not resort to outside help.

How do they do it? And in such a way that even old knives become sharper than a razor?

Use the most ordinary toothpaste.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Apply a small amount of it to the blade of a knife, distribute it evenly and leave it like that for one to two minutes.

Then they take the same ordinary plate and turn it upside down.

A little salt is sprinkled on the rough surface and vinegar is poured over it. That is, an abrasive is prepared.

It is this material, obtained with your own hands, that the knife is sharpened on.

The movements, the housewives advise, should be from top to bottom, and the knife should be held at an angle of 20 degrees.

After completing the procedure, the blade should be washed under running water.

They say that a knife sharpened in this way will last for a very long time.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

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