Many people wonder how to achieve perfect toilet cleanliness without devoting a lot of time and effort to this task.
However, this does not always work out.
As it turns out, you can put certain cleaning products in the toilet at night to enjoy cleanliness in the morning.
First of all, it is always worth remembering the simplest and most proven remedy. Soda always helps to improve the appearance of plumbing.
You need to apply a few spoons of the product, and in the morning just brush it out.
It is not necessary to pour it into the toilet itself. It is enough to simply soak paper towels with this liquid. Then apply the product to the most yellowed areas, and in the morning thoroughly wash.
Cleanliness guaranteed.
This method is not known to everyone, although it shows excellent results. Pour a few spoons of salt into the toilet, and wash the plumbing in the morning.
There will be no dirt or unpleasant smell left.