Many people are sometimes surprised by the creativity and unconventional approach of experienced housewives to solving common household problems.
For this reason, they definitely have something to learn from.
Sometimes you can hear that some experienced housewives put a roll of toilet paper in the cupboard and refrigerator.
Everyone knows the main problems associated with the refrigerator. We are talking about an unpleasant smell and condensation. As a result, you have to wash the equipment almost every other day so that it does not become a cause of embarrassment.
This outcome can always be avoided.
A roll of the cheapest toilet paper will absorb condensation and neutralize specific odors. Replace the roll about once a week.
Storing things in a confined space can also cause certain difficulties. In particular, a closet often becomes a source of unpleasant odors.
Even things are permeated with this smell.
Therefore, you can use a trick. Take a roll of paper and pour a small amount of the cheapest toilet water on it. The roll can be replaced once every 14 days.