In the evening, put a saucer of soda in the refrigerator: this is what will happen in the morning - you will like the result

09.08.2024 08:51

Some clever housewives periodically perform one very interesting procedure related to the refrigerator.

Before going to bed, women take a saucer, glass or container and pour a couple of spoons of baking soda into it.

Next, the container is placed on one of the shelves of the refrigerator, where it remains overnight.

The essence of the soda life hack

Having learned about the above-described technique, many people ask the question: “What is the essence of this life hack?”

The correct answer becomes obvious if we remember the important property of sodium bicarbonate.

Photo: © Belnovosti

So, this substance is a sorbent. In other words, soda absorbs moisture and... odors quite well. Including not the most pleasant "aromas".

Thus, by placing a saucer with sodium bicarbonate on the refrigerator shelf, the housewife will do everything to rid the device of unpleasant odors.

By the way, the appearance of a stench in the refrigerator is a very common occurrence.

Even those people who throw away expired products in time face this problem.

The fact is that an unpleasant smell can appear not only because of spoiled food, but also because of poorly combined aromas of quite fresh products.

It is worth emphasizing that the life hack with soda gives a very quick result. If you put the saucer in the evening, then by the morning there will be no stench at all.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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