Many housewives are confident that when cleaning their apartment, they do not miss a single dirty area.
In fact, there are many surfaces in rooms that, in most cases, remain dusty.
The reason is simple: people simply forget about these areas.
As a result, the cleaning is left unfinished. The apartment residents have to continue breathing dust.
Want your apartment to be really clean? Then don't forget to wipe all the surfaces listed below!
Due to its high location, this surface is often overlooked.
As a result, the area remains untouched for months. A lot of dust accumulates.
For a similar reason, the “roof” of the refrigeration unit often remains dirty.
Many housewives do not wipe these surfaces.
And in vain, because these areas become polluted quite quickly.
These decorative strips also collect a lot of dust. Don't forget about it.
Some people don't wipe these devices for years, which can lead to serious problems.