Chocolate stains are one of the most common among those with a sweet tooth.
It is almost impossible to remove them without using special means.
Moreover, improper washing can "drive" chocolate even deeper into the fabric fibers. But you can do without stain removers if you know the correct methods.
This is one of the simplest and most time-tested methods: milk does not leave chocolate a single chance. You will need to warm the drink up a little first: cold milk is useless.
Afterwards we send the milk into a container where we put our dirty clothes.
After forty minutes you can evaluate the results.
This liquid is also often used by experienced housewives to improve the quality of washing. It is recommended to combine part of the vinegar with part of the water and apply the resulting mixture to the chocolate stain.
After an hour, we put the item in the washing machine.
The contamination should disappear.