Many people ignore the condition of their bedding for years and then wonder why they can't get a good night's sleep.
A bad pillow clearly does not contribute to comfortable sleep, quick falling asleep and easy awakening.
But how do you know when it's time to buy a new product?
What are the signs that the pillow can no longer be “saved”?
If your bedding has become too flat and cannot be “fixed”, then feel free to throw it away.
Do the same if the pillow has become uneven and is difficult to return to its original shape.
There will be no use for such a product. It will only interfere with normal sleep.
The appearance of an unpleasant smell from bedding is a very bad sign.
If washing doesn't really solve the problem, don't even think about keeping the pillow.
It may harm your health.
Or you don’t have to rely on the condition of the product at all.
It makes sense to follow this strategy: throw away the pillow after a certain number of years.
Bedding with natural filling should be kept for a maximum of 2 years.
If we are talking about a product filled with synthetic material, then it is worth buying a new one after 5 years.
You will not lose anything by throwing away such old pillows (even if their condition seems normal). On the contrary, you will protect yourself from possible difficulties and dangers.
Earlier, housewives were told why they should “cook” socks in the microwave in the summer.