Not all housewives know that they have access to a very effective product that can, in some cases, surpass household chemicals in quality.
We are talking about simple salt.
With the right technique, she will be able to cope with a number of important problems that arise in the life of any housewife.
Few people know that salt can be used to combat mold, although it is very effective and easy to use.
You just need to take a lemon first, cut it into two parts. Then treat the affected areas with the citrus fruit.
Then we put a layer of salt and wait from 15 to 40 minutes.
Afterwards, the mold will be removed without much difficulty.
Some housewives believe that it is almost impossible to deal with this problem: sometimes the source of an unpleasant smell can even be a clean refrigerator with food stored inside.
Once again, ordinary salt will come to the rescue.
First, you will need to wash the refrigerator in the usual way and dry it. Then we send a bowl of salt inside.
Previously we talked about how you can use toothpaste in everyday life .