The kitchen sponge has a hard part. It helps remove the dirt that the foam rubber couldn't handle.
However, sometimes it is necessary to tear the abrasive part away from the product.
No, you don't have to throw away that hard strip. You just have to use it a little differently.
First, you need to tear it off from the foam rubber and cut it into five identical rectangles.
Next, take a household glove. Glue one of the resulting pieces onto each finger.
Of course, the rectangles should be on the inside of the glove.
And in the center you can glue a piece of foam rubber.
The result is an interesting device that makes washing dishes much easier.
All you need to do is put on an unusual glove and you will be able to wipe plates, pans, pots and baking trays with your hand.
It is very convenient. And the dirt will be removed much faster.
Earlier, housewives were explained why they should add salt and toothpaste to dishwashing detergent.