Any housewife can end up with carbon deposits on her frying pan, but only if you don’t thoroughly wash the dishes after each use.
But generally it is not customary to waste time on this.
Therefore, everyone faces carbon deposits when their layer becomes impressive. However, it can always be dealt with using simple and proven means.
Many people know that regular salt has excellent cleaning potential, which is definitely worth using in everyday life. It will overcome the product and carbon deposits.
You will need to pour water into the frying pan itself and add 4-5 tablespoons of salt.
Place the pan on the fire and simmer over low heat. Afterwards, you can drain the liquid and remove any remaining fat.
Many housewives have long been using mustard instead of many commercial cleaning and washing products. It is an excellent natural analogue of household chemicals.
First, you need to put a dry frying pan on the fire and warm it up slightly. Then put a layer of mustard for a quarter of an hour.
All that remains is to wipe the surface of the dishes and wash them.
Previously we talked about how to clean a toilet from yellow stains .