How experienced housewives remove grease and carbon deposits with vinegar: a trick that many do not know about

25.03.2024 09:41

Many of you probably have high-quality frying pans that you have given up hope of saving using conventional methods.

The amount of carbon and grease seems too much.

Indeed, standard methods of struggle in such cases may prove powerless. But do not forget about proven alternative methods.

For example, even a multi-year layer of carbon deposits can be dealt with using ordinary vinegar.

How to achieve this

Standard table vinegar is suitable for this method. It is recommended to take a large container that can easily accommodate the pan you need.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First, we wash it in any usual way and put it in the selected container.

Then pour in the vinegar.

After three hours, protect your hands with gloves and begin to mechanically remove the carbon deposits layer by layer. You can also protect your respiratory system, because the smell of vinegar is not the most pleasant.

Afterwards, all that remains is to rinse the frying pan.

Previously, we talked about how you can use leftover alcoholic drinks in everyday life .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor