Many housewives know that ordinary salt has quite impressive potential uses.
Therefore, it is worth trying different application options.
For example, you can cope with two very important tasks.
If you have a problem with a blockage, but there is no way to quickly contact a plumbing specialist for help, then you can provide quality assistance yourself.
To do this, you will need to use three simple components. For one part of soda and salt, take two parts of vinegar. Use the prepared composition immediately after mixing as intended.
In the morning, pour hot water into the kettle and evaluate the result.
This problem is relevant for many, so it is necessary to find a simple solution to the problem. Salt has excellent antibacterial potential, so it will cope with the activity of microbes perfectly.
It also has the ability to absorb any unpleasant odors.
All you need to do is pour a layer of salt into your shoes and leave them for eight hours.
Previously we talked about how to wash dishes using laundry soap .