What an old T-shirt is good for: don't throw away worn-out underwear until you know the answer

05.02.2024 15:40

Do you have a closet full of worn-out T-shirts that you can't bring yourself to throw out? Kill two birds with one stone. Clear out your closet and freshen up your entryway.

In this article you will learn how to make a cute rug with your own hands using old T-shirts.

It will take only a few hours to turn worn-out knitwear into a useful item, but no special skills are required at all.

Take an old T-shirt, cut it on both sides, leaving only the flat part (without hemming).

Fold the resulting fabric in half so that the bottom part protrudes. Cut it from the bottom up into strips of equal width, leaving only the protruding piece of the bottom layer of the T-shirt intact. The upper indent should be approximately the same width as one strip.

Photo: Pixabay

Now unfold the resulting product and make a cut diagonally from the outer edge to the base of the next top strip. Continue making such cuts, moving in a spiral.

After that, stretch the ribbon slightly, turning it into a cord. Now that the blanks are finished, you can begin the weaving process itself.

To do this, you will need to secure a strip that is slightly longer than the future rug, on both sides in a place convenient for weaving.

The other strips need to be cut into pieces that are twice the size of the product. Fold each of them in half and place the cord under the base strip so that the bend at the top resembles a half-loop. Thread the ends through it and tighten.

Tie the cords along the entire width of the base, and to prevent the canvas from sagging, secure it with pins. Then take a new cord, wrap it around the first strip of the base and return it back.

Pass the working fabric thread through the formed half-loop and pull it up. Now tie the same half-knots on the second base strip, then on the third, etc.

As you move from left to right and from one cord to the next, you will soon see that a clear pattern is emerging.

This will bring you to the end of the row. Do not break the working fabric thread - instead, change direction, tying the same mirror half-knots. Continue weaving until you reach the desired length.

The only thing left to do is to shape the edges of the rug. This is done as follows: turn the product over, smooth it out and run a transverse strip over the base cords. Turn the base cords up one by one and sew them to the main fabric, after which you can trim the ends.

Earlier we talked about two air fresheners that you can make yourself.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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