How to check the quality of well water at home: the method with dishwashing liquid has proven its effectiveness

02.02.2024 09:34

Of course, the most reliable way to analyze water quality is to have it tested in a specialized laboratory.

However, nothing prevents you from trying to determine the quality of water at home. To do this, you should use several available methods.

Dishwashing liquid

To determine the degree of hardness of the water in the well, you can use a simple method using dishwashing detergent.

Take a small container and pour clean water from the well into it. Then add a few drops of detergent and start whipping the mixture until foam forms.

If foam is formed in small quantities or is absent altogether, this indicates high water hardness, which may be caused by a high content of salts and alkaline earth metals.

Photo: © Belnovosti


If you suspect that your water may contain nitrates, you can conduct a simple experiment to prove or disprove your suspicions.

Fill a container with water and put it in the freezer. When the liquid freezes, check it for a film on the surface - this is what indicates the presence of nitrates in the water. You should drink such water only after you remove this film.


To determine the mineral content of water, you can use a simple mirror. Put a few drops of water on the mirror and let them dry.

If after drying there are cloudy spots, this indicates a high content of mineral salts in the water and it should be consumed with caution.

Previously, experts explained why it is important to drink water regularly .

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Dishwashing liquid
  2. Freezing
  3. Mirror