How to clean a microwave from heavy dirt: folk methods

09.01.2024 08:09

You can get rid of greasy stains and unpleasant odors using simple and safe products.

For example, few people know, but lemon is an excellent product that helps solve such problems.

The process of use is very easy.

All you need to do is pour two glasses of water into a bowl, add the juice of the whole fruit, and then add a few citrus slices into the mixture.

Then the container should be placed in the microwave at full power for 10-15 minutes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As soon as you hear the sound signal, do not rush to take out the bowl and open the door.

It is better to do this in about 10 minutes.

During this time, the citrus solution will soften the dirt and eliminate excess odors. After this, you need to wipe the microwave with a clean cloth.

If you don’t have lemon, you can replace it with vinegar.

In this case, you should slightly change the proportions of the solution: for a glass of liquid, it is enough to take only three tablespoons of table vinegar.

This product needs to be placed in the microwave for 5-10 minutes.

Previously, we talked about which foods should not be heated in the microwave.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

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