The stove can become covered with a layer of grease quite quickly, so cleaning should be done as often as possible.
If you forget about this, then it will be several times more difficult to get rid of old stains.
If we are talking about small localized dirt, then regular toothpaste will do the job perfectly. You can simply apply the product to the areas covered with a layer of fat.
Wait 7 to 15 minutes and begin cleaning the stove.
As a rule, the stains disappear instantly.
Even if your stove seems incredibly dirty, an effective and proven method will come to the rescue. It will help to cope with even strong traces of fat.
You will need to first remove any food particles or other obvious contaminants from the surface. After that, you will need to pour vinegar over the stove.
Please wait a few minutes.
Then we start pouring in the soda. A characteristic reaction should follow. As soon as the products stop hissing, you can start cleaning.
This method can remove even long-standing traces of fat.