Some thrifty housewives do not throw away tea bags after one use.
However, you cannot brew tea again: it is harmful to your health, and the quality of the drink will leave much to be desired.
This property of tea bags can be used with maximum benefit. Send dried tea bags to the cupboard, refrigerator, toilet, trash can.
With their help, you can even remove the unpleasant smell in the room. The method is also effective in eliminating the unpleasant smell from shoes.
To prevent the problem, you don't even need to dry the tea bag. Just treat the surfaces that are prone to rust.
The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week.
This trick seems much more unexpected, but it is quite widespread. In order to improve the taste of a side dish (pasta or rice, for example), you need to add a dry tea bag to the pot during the cooking process.
This will really transform the side dish.