Why you shouldn't leave a spoon and ladle in a pot of food: there are two explanations

11.08.2023 11:37

Experienced housewives never leave simple and ladle spoons in a saucepan with soup or any other dish.

Firstly, such an action is considered wrong, according to popular belief.

Secondly, there is a rational explanation for the ban.

Let's look into both the first and second nuances.


Our grandmothers believed that the habit of leaving a ladle or spoon in a saucepan with a first or second course could lead to undesirable consequences.

Photo: Pixabay

Thus, many representatives of the older generation were convinced that the above-described action could deprive the owner of financial luck.

Moreover, it was believed that the family in such a case could face poverty.

The rational side of the issue

Even non-superstitious people should pay attention to this recommendation.

The fact is that leaving a ladle or other metal utensil in a pot of food for a long time can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the food.

And this is explained by the oxidation of the metal. It is possible that because of this process the soup will quickly turn sour.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Signs
  2. The rational side of the issue