Even the most expensive and stylish interior will look untidy if you neglect cleaning.
We'll tell you what you need to pay attention to when cleaning so as not to be known as a slob.
Don't be lazy and wipe down the surface of the front door before guests arrive.
Based on the degree of its contamination, guests draw conclusions about the cleanliness of the house itself.
When guests see such dishes, they immediately realize that the hosts neglect hygiene.
If you don't have enough time to care for indoor plants, it's better to give them up.
Wet rags on the kitchen sink indicate the inexperience or uncleanliness of the housewife. Hide them, or better yet, buy disposable ones.
The main reason for streaks on mirrors is the use of low-quality cleaning products.
Streaks also remain due to wiping with a cloth that does not absorb moisture well or is not soft enough.