Every housewife knows what a clogged sewer drain is. It is simply impossible to work in such conditions.
It is not very convenient to ask a plumber for help every time, as well as to disassemble the siphon for cleaning. Experienced housewives offer the following way to solve this problem.
It's good to have a drain cleaner on hand.
If you don’t have it, you can make such a mixture yourself without much effort.
You need to pour the soda into the drain or directly into the pipe. After that, you need to pour in vinegar in a thin stream.
The resulting reaction can dissolve accumulated debris.
After the reaction has subsided, you need to take boiling water and carefully pour it into the drain.
This is necessary to complete the cleaning. After about 40 minutes, the remaining dirt will completely dissolve and the drain will work as new.
Important! This option will help with minor blockages.
And if it doesn’t help, then you’ll either have to buy cleaning products or disassemble the siphon.