A cheap drugstore product will clean your windows in a minute: it will get rid of dust and won’t leave streaks

22.05.2023 17:45

Summer is the time of sun, warmth, fresh air and open balconies.

Clean windows are a must in this list. But after winter and spring rains, glass and frames are covered with a noticeable layer of dust and dirt.

Stains on the windows

It is easier to wash inside, because the windows are cleaner on this side. The most unloved and offensive thing in the work are the stains that appear after persistent washing of surfaces.

If unsightly streaks appear on the glass, it means that you should use another product. It will provide transparency and will not damage the frames.

Window washing

For work, use high-quality microfiber cloths or special rags for cars. With them, any dirt is much easier to wash off.

Photo: Pixabay

But special sprays can be replaced by a drugstore product – ammonia. This is a cheaper and simpler version of a store-bought glass spray.

For 5 liters of water use 5 ml of ammonia. Mix the solution and use immediately.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Stains on the windows
  2. Window washing