Is it always good luck to break dishes: when broken plates and cups foretell trouble

10.05.2023 21:52

Most often, when dishes break, it promises good consequences, but there are exceptions.

Signs about breaking dishes are among the most ancient. At the same time, these beliefs are among the most well-known.

Even in the 21st century, people, when celebrating any event, deliberately break plates to attract good luck and happiness.

Dishes break: good signs

If a plate, cup or other piece of kitchenware breaks, slipping out of the hands of a young girl, then this is a sign of great love.

A similar sign concerns spouses. The belief also promises well-being and a lot of money to newlyweds.

Photo: Pixabay

If glasses or goblets turn into shards during a feast, this promises success and happiness to the heroes of the occasion.

Broken dishes: bad omens

Broken dishes do not always promise something good. There are situations when you should expect the opposite. A bad omen is when the dishes turned out to be durable and did not break completely.

For example, only a small part of it has broken off or it has split into two equal halves. In such a case, superstitious people rush to get rid of these fragments as quickly as possible.

If dishes break too often at home, this is also a bad sign. One of the oldest legends says that this is how the brownie shows his displeasure.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Dishes break: good signs
  2. Broken dishes: bad omens