How to use coffee filters at home: they will come in handy when cleaning your apartment

26.04.2023 10:18

Many coffee lovers cannot do without paper filters when preparing their favorite drink.

The material removes grounds from the coffee without depriving it of its bright aroma.

Coffee filters have two advantages. First, they are a relatively inexpensive material. Second, they can be used for other purposes.

This paper can be of great use when cleaning your apartment.

What can you wipe with a coffee filter

The distinctive feature of the material is the complete absence of fluff, which is present on towels.

Photo: Pixabay

This is why filter particles do not remain on surfaces wiped with it.

In addition, the paper copes well with dust and various contaminants without leaving streaks.

This is why a coffee filter is ideal for wiping the following surfaces:

  • TV screen;
  • laptop screen;
  • glass;
  • mirror;
  • plumbing.

Another use case

Don't forget about the filtering properties of the material. Special paper can be used not only when preparing an invigorating drink, but also when preparing a flower pot.

The filter should be placed on the bottom of the container. After that, you can fill it with soil.

As a result, only water that has passed through the drainage holes will appear in the tray. The soil will remain inside.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. What can you wipe with a coffee filter
  2. Another use case