Will Bring Poverty and Take Away Luck: Things You Shouldn't Do with a Needle in the House

20.04.2023 22:09

The needle not only helps to carry out simple repairs to clothes at home, but also protects the home.

According to signs, with its help you can get rid of problems and troubles in life.

However, esotericists warn that this object can bring good luck and, conversely, attract problems.

Signs about a needle in the house

If a needle is accidentally found near a threshold, in clothes or an apartment, it should not be picked up by hand, the belief warns.

According to the signs, it must be picked up with a rag, broken, and then thrown away far from the house.

Photo: Pixabay

Esotericists say that such a needle can be planted by ill-wishers who want a person to have problems with health or money.

If there was a needle lying on the floor and a person accidentally stepped on it, then this promises a quarrel with loved ones.

Another thing you should not do with needles in your home is to store them just anywhere. They should have a specific place that is closed from prying eyes.

They say that one unkind look is enough for a needle to turn from a talisman into a source of trouble.

It is considered a good omen if a needle breaks during needlework.

In order for a needle to become a real amulet for the house, according to signs, it must be stuck into the door frame. Then troubles and misfortunes will bypass the house, the beliefs say.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor