A psychic named things that you shouldn’t buy when going to a newlyweds’ celebration.
The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Raidos listed gifts that should not be given at a wedding.
The expert advised to be careful when choosing items that are fragile. These can be elegant and beautiful things. But their fragility can become a symbol of a short-lived relationship.
Many people try to give practical gifts that will definitely come in handy around the house. In ancient times, textiles were primarily associated with funeral items.
Therefore, according to popular belief, bed linen, towels or other textiles are a harbinger of the imminent death of one of the members of the newly-formed family.
According to the psychic, a mirror should never be given to newlyweds. This item can lead to quarrels, betrayals, illnesses.
The list of taboo items includes a teapot, which means divorce in the family, and suitcases, which are a symbol of an unfinished journey, reports the WDay.ru portal.