How to get rid of mold: experienced housewives shared 3 effective methods

07.04.2023 15:00
Updated: 15.04.2023 03:56

Many neat housewives may face the problem of mold, as fungus can appear due to many reasons.

Most often, the culprit is high humidity in the room.

If, for example, condensation appears in the room, this significantly increases the risk of mold formation. Sometimes the problem occurs due to flooding from neighbors or due to faulty sewerage.

Once you have eliminated the root cause of the mold, you will need to think about how to get rid of the unpleasant marks in your living areas.

What methods stand out?

Lavender essential oil

Few people know that this product shows a high level of effectiveness in combating mold. You will need to prepare a simple composition.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To do this, pour 200 ml of water into a container with a dispenser and add 15 drops of lavender essential oil. The product is not only effective, but also safe. Tea tree oil has a similar effect.


This method shows a high level of efficiency even if there is a lot of mold. You will need to mix ammonia and water in equal parts, after protecting your respiratory system and hand skin.

Afterwards, we treat the problem areas with the prepared composition and wait at least an hour. The time of ammonia action can be increased.

Then all that remains is to remove the mold from the walls.


Many housewives know that this inexpensive product helps to quickly and reliably combat mold. To do this, apply the composition in its pure form to the walls affected by the fungus.

After 15 minutes you can start cleaning.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What methods stand out?
  2. Lavender essential oil
  3. Ammonia
  4. Peroxide