Whose eyes should you not look into and what objects are best not to look at: signs and beliefs

01.04.2023 14:00

An open look reveals a person to be a personable and courageous individual.

But beliefs say that not everyone can look into the eyes.

Sometimes it is better to avoid direct eye contact. Some objects also have a negative connotation.

What is not recommended to look at

You can't look into the eyes of the deceased. It is believed that if you break the ban, the dead person can "drag" you along with him.

You should not look into the eyes of fortune tellers and people who have a reputation for being envious. This can bring confusion into the soul.

Young woman
Photo: Pixabay

It is not advisable to indulge in jewelry for a long time. The shine of metal and the beauty of stones can cloud the mind.

It is forbidden to admire the night moon for a long time, so that it does not deprive you of your mind.

Esotericists do not advise looking closely into your own eyes reflected in the mirror. This is fraught with premature fading and the onset of old age.

By the way! Many parents, grandparents have a habit of kissing their children and grandchildren in the eyes (closed eyelids). But it hides negativity. According to beliefs, this can weaken the child energetically and even attract incurable diseases. Be careful!

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor